How to Perform CPR on a Pet

Pet emergencies can be just as terrifying as human emergencies. Do you know what to do if your cat or dog stops breathing and becomes unresponsive? This is why understanding the basics of life-saving first aid techniques and becoming familiar with an animal’s vital signs is crucial information for all pet owners to understand.

The five steps outlined here just may save your cat or dog’s life. Note that hand placement for chest compressions varies based on the size and type of pet. The American Red Cross suggests the following:

  • For cats, small dogs and deep chested dogs, place the heel of one of your hands directly over the pet’s heart and place your other hand directly over the first hand.

  • For deep chested dogs, place the heel of one hand over the widest part of the chest and place your other hand directly over the first hand.

  • For barrel chested dogs, place the dog on its back, place one hand over the widest part of the sternum, and place your other hand directly over the first hand. Lock your elbows and make sure your shoulders are directly above your hands.

I hope you never have to use these life-saving measures on your furry companion but if you do, rest assured that you have the knowledge to do so.

Instructions for how to perform CPR on a pet

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